John Menegon Quartet “Sound Embrace”

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John Menegon Quartet “Sound Embrace”
John Menegon Bass/compositions.
Jeff Lederer Sax                     
Dave Lopato Piano                 
Harvey Sorgen Drums            
The intuitive, spontaneous nature of the music presented by Bassist & Composer John
Menegon, in collaboration with these exceptional musicians, pushes the boundaries of
today’s music on the world stage. The music is deeply rooted in the traditions that come
out of the Free Bop era of Ornette Coleman, Dewey Redman, and Paul Motian, to name
a few. The music is created in the “moment of now!” Some of the melodies presented on
Saturday will be freely interpreted, sometimes letting the form create itself, using
melodic and harmonic expression relying in the trust of each player’s deep knowledge
of improvisation. The group will be exploring some odd meters and different grooves,
and will include Menegon’s original compositions. The unique sounds in improvisation
are unleashed by these four exceptional musicians.
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